You can make various changes to your site using the WordPress Customizer. To get to the Customizer, log into your dashboard and go to Appearance > Customize.

Site Identity

The Site Identity tab allows you to upload your logo, update your site title or tagline and upload a site icon (favicon).

When you upload your logo, you can upload a retina version of your logo and tick the box ‘Is this image retina-ready?’. The retina version should be exactly twice the size of the original logo. So if your logo is 50 x 50, the retina version should be 100 x 100.

Please note that logos should not be more than 60-70px high. If you have a logo that is more than 80px high, you will need to make some additional CSS changes to account for this.


Open up the Layout tab and choose whether you want your site to have a full-width or boxed layout.

Background Images

Open up the Background Images tab. Here you can add background images for the body of the site and the blog & page banners.

Please note that if you don’t choose an image for the blog & page banners, they will default to the highlight colour, as seen in this demo.

Change colours

Open up the Colour tab to change the following colours:

  • Accent Colour: Used for site title, links, banner background, feature section background.
  • Body Background Colour: Used for site background (more evident when Layout is set to boxed).
  • Text Colour: Used for text, buttons, site navigation.
  • Header Text: Used for social profile icons & button text.
  • Footer Text.

As you change colours, the preview will automatically update to reflect your modifications. Note that due to the way this works, some elements in the preview are not automatically updated, such as hover effects.

Select navigation

Open the Menus tab and select the menu you would like to use for your primary navigation.

Note that you will first need to create your menu. Follow the instructions in the Menus section.


Open the Widgets tab and click on Footer.

Here you can add widgets to your footer by clicking Add a Widget. A new column is created for each widget you add.

Our demo uses the following widgets: Text, Recent Posts, Campaign Categories/Tags, and Donation Stats.

Create a static front page and blog

Open the Static Front Page tab.

You can select to have your front page show your latest posts, or a static front page. The Reach demo uses a static front page.

If you select static front page, you will be presented with options to set which page should be your home page, and which page should be your posts page (i.e. blog). For our demo, we created an empty page and called it Blog, which we then selected as our Posts page.

Add social links

Open the Social Profiles tab.

For each social network, you can enter the link to your profile. If you leave one blank, it will not show in your social links.


If you have the Charitable plugin installed and activated, you will see a Charitable tab. Here you can change the donation form settings.

Contact US

Alfalah Center
2401 47 St NW, Edmonton, AB T6L 4P6
tel: 780-988-2239