When you create a new page, you can choose a Page Template within the Page Attributes meta box. Page Templates are used to change the look and feel of a page.

Reach comes with six page templates:

  • Default: Your main content is displayed in a column on the left, and a sidebar is added to the right.
  • Fullwidth: The sidebar is removed, and your main content is displayed in a column which is centred and narrow enough to provide a good reading experience.
  • Homepage: This template is only useful if you have the Charitable plugin installed. Your main content is displayed within the banner at the top, and your campaigns are displayed in a grid below this. See the section on setting up the homepage.
  • Stripped
  • Stripped Narrow
  • User Dashboard: This template is only visible if you have the Charitable plugin installed and activated.

Contact US

Alfalah Center
2401 47 St NW, Edmonton, AB T6L 4P6
tel: 780-988-2239
email: info@alfalahcenter.ca